Monday, August 28, 2017

Beat The Game" will be available on Steam in September 7, 2017.

Yes, almost there, Beat The Game" will be available on Steam in September 7, 2017. 3 years of hard work and most amazing project I have ever done!!!

Beat The Game 7,Eylul 2017 de Steam den satisa cikiyor. 3 yillik yogun calisma ve su ana kadar yaptigim en muthis proje!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

New trailer is up and yes.. proud to announce.. Marc Houle is on the team!

Monday, November 09, 2015

Beat The Game is coming soon!

My own San Francisco based game studio is now official.
We are developing our first indie game at
It is one of a kind point and click adventure game that you can make electronic music.
Check out the in game screenshots below and follow WormAnimation via facebook and twitter.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Vay canina sayin seyirciler, uzun zaman oldu biliyorum. Bu aralar uzerinde calistigim birseyler var ama gosterime daha hazir degil. Onun yerine size son 4 senedir kullandigim ev studyom'dan bir goruntu gostereyim bari.

Wawaweewaa!! it's being long time I know, I am working on new personal project but it is ready for public yet, instead I want to share a picture of my home studio that I have been using last 4 years.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Monday, October 08, 2012

My Online character modeling class is started | Online karakter modelleme derslerim basladi

Produksiyon kalitesinde Hi-end Online karakter modelleme derslerim 2 hafta once basladi, Ders'de, Aslı Ünlü Atay , Erhan Üstün , Duna Anos ile beraber asagidaki karakteri Zbrush ile modellemeye basladik.
Derse sizde katilmak isterseniz, gecen hafta kayit ettigim dersin video sunu izleyip verecegim uygulamalari yapip derse katilabilirsiniz. Yaklasik 3 hafta kadar daha ogrenci aliyorum, toplam en fazla 4 ogrencim olacak. Ders her cumartesi istanbul saati ile aksam 8 de basliyor, 2 saat suruyor.

Ders hakkinda daha fazla bilgi almak isterseniz bana den mesaj yollayin! c

My hi-end character modeling class is started about 2 weeks ago with Asli Unlu Atay, Erhan Ustun and Duna Anos. We start building the concept below in Zbrush. Online Class starts at Saturday at 10am PST and ends at noon.
I have 3 students at the moment.
This class is for only Turkish speaking people but if you are interested in English version, contact me via
I will be happy to build a class if there is at least 3 students.

Friday, October 05, 2012

New Zombie Render | Yeni Zombi renderi

I made a new render with my old Zombie model, I am going to enter the Zbrush helloween challange with this, wish me luck.

Eski modelledigim Zombi modeli ile yeni bir render yaptim, Bu model ile Zbrush in Cadilar bayrami yarismasina bir giris yapicam bakalim, hadi bakalim pismillah.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My new old desk | Yeni eski masam

This is my desk at Actvision/Blizzard/Toys for bob, I took this photo 6 months ago, I was thinking I post it but I just notice that I actually didn't.. Layout is a little different now but I still want to share.

Actvision/Blizzard/Toys for bob daki yeni masam, 6 ay once cekmistim bu fotografi, buraya koydum saniyordum ama simdi fark ettimki hic post etmemisim. Simdi duzenim biraz degisti ama yinede bir gostereyim istedim.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Skylander Giant's new Trailer

Skylander Giant's new trailer, My eagle is in it :) 4 more of my toy figures will be up soon. if you look closely you can see them in the background at the last scene.

Skylander Giant'in yeni trailer'i. Benim Eagle da icinde, yakinda 4 oyuncak figur daha piyasaya cikacak. Filmdeki son sahneye dikkatli bakarsaniz arkada duruyorlar.

Friday, February 17, 2012

My first Skylander figure | Ilk Skylander figurum

My first Toys for Bob's "Skylanders" toy is almost in stores. After the concept and 3d modeling process, we 3d print out bunch of prototypes and decided on this pose.
We also have a ridiculously huge size sculpture of this character for the toy fair.
Skylanders is just crazy good! Thanks I-wei Huang for the cool concept, pose and art direction.

Toys for Bob'in "Skylanders"'i icin yaptigim ilk figur fabrikadan cikmak uzere. Zbrush da modelledigim figur un 3 boyutlu prototype ini yaptik ve bu poz a karar verdik.
Ayrica Oyuncak fuari icin yapilan Skylanders boot unda yaptigin modelin birde dev boyut da heykeli yapildi. Cok acayip gercektende.
Skylander super bir olay. I-wei Huang a konsept, poz ve sanat yonetmenligi icin tesekkur ettim yukarida ingilizce.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Star Kommand illustration and speed paint video

I made a illustration and a speed modeling for Star Kommand DJ's. Enjoy!
Star Kommond DJ leri icin illustrasyon ve hizli modelleme videosu kayit ettim, hadi bakalim!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My character models coming soon in Skylanders

Here is the commercial of the Skylanders project that I am working in. I am modeling new characters for the game and also 3d printing prototypes for the toy factory. Toy figures are sold out in US and hard to find in stores. Game is also two player and super fun to play. You can change your character while playing the game with physically changing it over the lighted portal device. Super cool stuff!

Uzerinde calismaya basladigim Skylanders projesinin reklam filmi. Projede yeni cikacak olan karakterlerin oyun modelleri ve oyuncak figurelerin protoype lari uzerinde calisiyorum. Protoype lar 3 boyutlu printer ile basilip fabrikaya yollaniyor. Oyuncaklar dukkanlarda yok satiyor. Cocuklar kafayi bu oyuncaklarla bozmus durumdalar. Ayrica oyunda iki kisi dusmana karsi oynanabilen ender oyunlardan ve oynamasi baya zevkli. Oyuncagi oyun sirasinda isikli portala koyup karakter degistirebiliyorsun. Super bir olay.